In 2021 as a result of the residence “Falnande språk - Ur finnskogen” in the Finnish forest, I created the works “Fenomen”, “Martall, 295 år, Värmland” and “Lokal tid: Dragsjöberg”. Alongside with historical objects from Finnskogen theese works is an attempt to look into some kind of future. It examines different concepts of time and our ability to read and follow the shifts of nature.
The exhibition have been shown at Länsmuseet Gävleborg, Konsthallen MEKEN and Värmlands Museum - Torsby Finnskogscentrum
A folder in Swedish To read more about the project and exhibition.
photography of perch fins in glass, steel wire
300 x 200 cm
part of the collection of Region Gävleborg
Fenomen can be installed in three ways, hanging or directly on to a wall.
Martall, 295 år Värmland
core sample from pine, acrylic dome
Documentation from Länsmuseet Gävleborg
Local time: Dragsjöberg
12 hour-clock, ipad
Klockan 1
Klockan 2
Klockan 5
Klockan 3
Klockan 6
Klockan 7
Klockan 9
Klockan 10
Klockan 4
Klockan 8
Klockan 11
Klockan 12